Boys of Summer on last day of Sea to Sea
Sea to Shining Sea Reflections
It has now been three weeks since I completed what was in so many ways an incredible journey. To cross this magnificent country on a bicycle, is a trip which will be on my mind for years to come. As Louis Armstrong sings, “What a Wonderful World” we live in to be able to see so many types of geography, crops, people, architecture, living conditions, and lifestyles. We are a diverse and amazing country.
Having ridden a bicycle across the country, has given me the opportunity to experience life up close and personal. Generally, everyone we encountered was friendly, courteous, and curious about our endeavors. Many were amazed regarding the feat we were accomplishing one day at a time. Each day would bring new challenges and adventures and get us closer to the long term goal. Little by little we worked our way across the country. The big goal became clearer each day.
The trip was wonderful in many ways. There were about 40 people who actively participated in some portion of the adventure, without any major disagreements or personality conflicts. Thus, most interacted well and supported and encouraged each other in the daily struggles. What an amazing group of people who saw the best each had to offer! I believe friendships have been created which will last for many years to come.
This journey has been uplifting to me in so many ways. It has been made clear to me, that what I want, can and does come to fruition, sometimes quite easily. I have grown spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and in my personal power and confidence. I have known in the past that I was strong, but now truly know I will accomplish anything I believe in and put my mind to in a focused and productive manner. This journey was just a step in the process of becoming aware of the magnificent power that I have! I am so Blessed!
Thank you to each and every person who made this trip special and supported me in the decision-making process and the implementation of this wonderful opportunity and lifelong dream. I am blessed and life is marvelous! I do wish for family and friends, both old and new, that each of you take advantage of the opportunity to dream BIG!